Best Online Business To Start In 2020 For Beginners (WITH NO MONEY)

Hey hey what’s up YouTube listen in this video I’m gonna show you how you can start an online business even if you
don’t have any money hey what’s up okay let’s talk about how you can start an online business with no money now
listen I want at first dispel all the rumors and all the stuff like you’ve always heard that it takes money to make
money and for the most part let’s just be honest that’s true if you want to make like millions of dollars on the
Internet you’re gonna need to spend some money to do it right but what if you’re brand new
what if you’re watching this video right now and you’re like hey look I just want to get my feet wet I just want to start
something I just want to see like can I even make money online does it even work right is it real I get it I understand
it look I’ve been there before when I was probably I don’t know 22 years old I started my first online business and I
thought to myself oh god is this really real right and the thing is is that what I did when I was 22 is still working for
me at 37 so weird I’m like fifteen years right and it’s affiliate marketing and so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna show
you a quick step okay just a couple of quick steps that you can use right now to start an online business potentially
even build your email list and do it completely free so the first thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go to my
computer right now and I’m gonna show you kind of a little drawing okay so you see this is my little whiteboard app and
what I like to do is kind of show you how things work so on the internet there’s what we kind of call I call it
the profit cycle okay so I call it the profit cycle and what we what this is is it’s kind of the cycle that all
businesses go through first businesses need to have traffic okay and then a business really needs to have a sales
page alright so a sales page oh gosh a sales page where you can actually make some money right because this is the
obvious end goal on the other end of the sales page is money okay so this is kind of how all businesses work this is a
simplification anyway of the profit cycle are so what it is is we don’t want you to
have to build this sales page alright we really don’t want to have to do that because that takes a lot of effort that
takes a lot of work as you’ve probably seen this in my other videos I talked about how like if you’re gonna sell
products on Amazon and on eBay and all this stuff it’s just a lot more minutia it’s a lot more logistics right so what
if we can skip building that we can use somebody else’s sales page and really all you’ve got to do is worry about
sending traffic in order to make money it works really really well so the first thing is okay number one is where do we
get sales pages okay so where do we get sales pages and what that means is products where do we get products that
you can promote okay so what I’ll do is I’ll just kind of pull this up for you real fast and this is a network called
Clickbank now Clickbank is like a lot of other networks okay so there’s many different affiliate networks Clickbank
is one that’s got a wide variety of products it doesn’t matter what you’re interested in or what you’re not
interested in you can probably find something that you can promote from Clickbank now I will tell you upfront
right now this is one of the most important things that you can learn from me in this video guess what what you
like simply doesn’t matter right and I tell my students this all the time all that really should matter to you is
what other people like because other people are the ones reaching in their pocket and spending money right so don’t
get caught up in oh I really like gardening or I really like dog training or I really like to teach this and I
want to sell that doesn’t matter what you need to do is hop them trends you need to be selling what other people are
buying right real simple and that’s what I love about affiliate marketing because you can bounce around and you can start
like when Netflix started we were affiliates of Netflix we were the ones that were sending Netflix some of their
very first customers but we also sent customers to banks we also sent customers to schools like so many
different things that you can do with affiliate marketing and a lot of those are right here in Clickbank all right
back to my computer okay so with Clickbank you can go right up in here and you can look at their marketplace so
there’s a tab up here called the marketplace and when you scroll through this marketplace you’ll see all of these
different sections categories for things that you can promote right and you’ll see there’s
tons of these this is not like a small thing there’s if you want to learn how to speak different languages if you want
to learn more about home and gardening our gardening if you want to learn about health and fitness if you want to learn
about going green like green products self-help products right all kinds of this this stuff is in here travel sports
you know employment and jobs like there’s so many different things that you can find on here all you’ve got to
do is create a free Clickbank account alright I am already logged into mine as you can see but when you go to clickbank
com you can literally just click on create a free account okay and then you can log
in here and look at the products that you can promote I’m just gonna select one of these like languages right okay
so check this out rocket Spanish alright you can see that the average sale here is a hundred and two dollars so what
this means is is that you’re able to go in okay promote this person’s product all right
you do not have to create a sales page you don’t have to create anything you can literally take the link you click
this little button right here that says promote okay so once you have an account you get on here you click this button it
says promote in some cases you’ll want to apply okay to be an affiliate of this particular vendor right so very
important to note that not all vendors just automatically approve you you have to go to their website and actually
apply to be approved now some of them will automatically approve you in this I’m not really sure if there are any on
here we’ll see let’s see okay so this is one of them so we can go in here and you can earn seventy percent commissions for
every single customer you send to this to this vendor all you do is you click generate your link and you get a link
just like this this is your affiliate link ok so super important take a look at that
Clickbank calls it a hop link but it is basically an affiliate link right now once you have that affiliate link you
can place that anywhere and anywhere that you place it okay if someone clicks on it and they go to this particular
product which is this one is synergy Spanish and they buy you’re gonna get seventy percent commissions which means
you get paid you sold somebody else’s product you don’t have to do anything you’re not
doing all the hard work somebody else is but you’re still making the money right I love this model I made six figures a
month with this model back 15 years ago and I still continuously make money with this model every single month affiliate
marketing awesome opportunity okay now once you’ve got your link the question is where can you promote this link
that’s gonna be able to generate some traffic for you but it’s not gonna cost you any money because we all know paid
ads they suck I get it right if you’re not experienced running paid traffic is not a fun thing to do
it’s not an easy thing to do and it’s not a fun thing to do so how can you get traffic without spending money on the
clicks right without paying for ads well check this out so let’s go back to the computer one of the places you can go is
a place called the free ad forum okay so it’s the free ad forum calm you can see it right there on my screen you can
obviously see right here it says publish your ad for free alright so you want to click right up here where you where you
can create an account and you’ll see all of the different things that they have in that where you can place ads so check
this out language classes we can literally take our affiliate link and we can go place
an ad right here okay right here on the free ad forum for this particular product because again we are now
promoting this this spanish-speaking product right so you can click right here on language classes and you can go
in and create ads just like you see right here okay all of these ads alright you can create all of these ads for
yourself completely free first thing obviously you want to do is register for a free account once you do that you’ll
be able to come into here so like this is my account right here because I’ve already got an account and if you go
right here where it says publish your ad for free alright it’s gonna open up the opportunity for you to publish your ad
for free so let’s go back off of off of my computer screen because I am now going to login so let me get logged in
here real quick alright perfect and we’re logging in as we speak so back to the computer screen so check
this out we are now logged in and we can place our ad here on the free ad form
completely free you select your category so obviously we were just looking through this and we found you know
obviously the one on languages now you have to scroll through here under if they let me search you have to scroll
through here and type in I just typed in Elle so you find language classes so you can see right there and then you’re
gonna write like a title and a description for your listing so obviously if we’ve now picked something
like this where it’s talking about Spanish right learning how to speak Spanish alright then what we would want
to do is on our listing we will want to talk all about learning how to speak Spanish right learning how to speak
Spanish and then of course most the times the vendors and the people on here that are helped like that you’re
promoting they’ll give you some copy they’ll give you some things that you can look at like you can see right here
where they have a link for the affiliate page so they’ll give you some information that you can use to post in
your ads right so you don’t have to come up with this stuff on your own now you can go and select all of the information
here about where your ad is being listed from this would just be your location and then you’ll notice that they offer
upgrades right now your ad will stay live on here completely free but it’s live for a shorter amount of time
so you’ll notice right here where it says lets me just pull it up here where when we get to the the when you’re like
a new user alright so for new users you’re able to put your ads on here but what’s gonna end up happening is the ads
will will drop off okay if you want them to stay on longer you can pay for it what I suggest is not
paying for it because you can always relist the ads so these are called upsells’ right here right you can get
this completely free or you can determine that you want to take advantage of these upsells now sometimes
these things do work they help you get more views but at the end of the day this video is all about how you can get
traffic for free so we’re not gonna take any of these upsells we’re gonna leave those alone we’re still gonna post our
ad this is one of the networks where many many many people use this and they post these ads and these eyeballs come
and people that want to learn Spanish are gonna click on your link when they click on your link you can earn a
commission back to my computer screen I’ll show you what that looks like here’s one single commission that I
earned on a product I earned one thousand one hundred sixty nine dollars and forty eight cents on one single sale
of one single product now clearly this is not the Spanish speaking product okay that I made this money on what I’m
showing you is is that with affiliate marketing I literally earned a one thousand one hundred sixty nine dollars
and forty eight cents in a single day I spent no money to make that money right no money so there’s endless
opportunities here for you to be able to go in and create affiliate links for all of these different products and post
them inside of sites just like this one the free ad form now where else can you post them listen think about social
media leverage things like Instagram leverage things like Facebook fan pages groups all of these things and what we
don’t do is we don’t spam the groups obviously there are a lot of people in a lot of groups that are asking for
information they’re asking for help they’re saying hey I’d really like to learn Spanish in a better way or they’re
saying hey I’d really like to learn X Y or Z write the information business it’s a billion dollar industry so all you’ve
got to do is insert yourself into those conversations that’s the one thing that I always teach my students is if you
want to be successful insert yourself into the conversation that your students are that your customers are having so
think about this if you go online and you look at all the places where people are searching and typing and
communicating about how to learn Spanish all you got to do is say hey you know what here’s a program you might want to
check out and you put your affiliate link in your having a two-way communication with that person but it’s
costing you no money you’re not having to run an ad in order to do it obviously this takes a little more legwork but
here’s the thing when you do that you’re able to start generating these commissions from many different programs
right this is one of the simplest and fastest ways to be able to make money on the internet build your own business
without spending any money now if you’d like to go to the next level if you’d like to have a lot of this kind of
done-for-you right we’ve got an awesome opportunity it’s called the partner with Anthony program where you literally
partner with me to do this kind of stuff now is it completely free no is it a few bucks yes but what it
allows you to do is it allows you to skip all of this kind of stuff and tap right into traffic streams and sources
that I’m personally using in my business if you want more information on that there’s a link right below this video
all you got to do is get a copy of my free book again it is completely free it costs you no money there’s no shipping
there’s no handling there’s no silly little fees hidden or anything like that it’s completely free or I’ll talk to you
a little bit more about the funnels that you can use to be able to not only in generate commissions but also build your
email list check this out back to my computer real quick look at this this is one of my pages where I actually build
my email list right you’ll see this page right here when you click the link right below this video so when you see this
you’ll be able to opt-in I’ll have your email address but more importantly what’s gonna happen is I’m gonna show
you how you can partner with me to do this and how you can start building your own email list so that you can start
tapping into that free email traffic to generate mega commissions through different affiliate programs look I love
partnering with people all over the world I love helping people if you like this content if you want to learn more
from me click the subscribe button right now make sure that you join each and every week as I release new videos new
content new training and truly help you walk down the path to having success online because look I’ve been down that
path already I’ve generated well over 100 million dollars online and my goal is really to make it simple for you to
weed through all the nonsense find the stuff that really works like I said when we started this video
if you use this free traffic method that I’m teaching you are you gonna make millions of dollars no but can you make
a few commissions out of that absolutely can you make one or two or three or four of course you can and if you do guess
what that does it gives you confidence it gives you inspiration and guess what it does it gives you the right mindset
to truly be able to have success a lot of times affiliate marketing and building a business online it’s all
about having the right mindset and believing in yourself and knowing that you can do it and that it can be done
that’s the reason I built this video that’s the reason I put this training out there because I want you to realize
there is a way that you can make a few bucks online without spending any but if you’d like to partner
me and get started and get started really really cheap all you got to do click the link that you see below make
sure that you check out our partner with Anthony program and of course get a copy of my free book in the process
don’t have any money hey what’s up okay let’s talk about how you can start an online business with no money now
listen I want at first dispel all the rumors and all the stuff like you’ve always heard that it takes money to make
money and for the most part let’s just be honest that’s true if you want to make like millions of dollars on the
Internet you’re gonna need to spend some money to do it right but what if you’re brand new
what if you’re watching this video right now and you’re like hey look I just want to get my feet wet I just want to start
something I just want to see like can I even make money online does it even work right is it real I get it I understand
it look I’ve been there before when I was probably I don’t know 22 years old I started my first online business and I
thought to myself oh god is this really real right and the thing is is that what I did when I was 22 is still working for
me at 37 so weird I’m like fifteen years right and it’s affiliate marketing and so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna show
you a quick step okay just a couple of quick steps that you can use right now to start an online business potentially
even build your email list and do it completely free so the first thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go to my
computer right now and I’m gonna show you kind of a little drawing okay so you see this is my little whiteboard app and
what I like to do is kind of show you how things work so on the internet there’s what we kind of call I call it
the profit cycle okay so I call it the profit cycle and what we what this is is it’s kind of the cycle that all
businesses go through first businesses need to have traffic okay and then a business really needs to have a sales
page alright so a sales page oh gosh a sales page where you can actually make some money right because this is the
obvious end goal on the other end of the sales page is money okay so this is kind of how all businesses work this is a
simplification anyway of the profit cycle are so what it is is we don’t want you to
have to build this sales page alright we really don’t want to have to do that because that takes a lot of effort that
takes a lot of work as you’ve probably seen this in my other videos I talked about how like if you’re gonna sell
products on Amazon and on eBay and all this stuff it’s just a lot more minutia it’s a lot more logistics right so what
if we can skip building that we can use somebody else’s sales page and really all you’ve got to do is worry about
sending traffic in order to make money it works really really well so the first thing is okay number one is where do we
get sales pages okay so where do we get sales pages and what that means is products where do we get products that
you can promote okay so what I’ll do is I’ll just kind of pull this up for you real fast and this is a network called
Clickbank now Clickbank is like a lot of other networks okay so there’s many different affiliate networks Clickbank
is one that’s got a wide variety of products it doesn’t matter what you’re interested in or what you’re not
interested in you can probably find something that you can promote from Clickbank now I will tell you upfront
right now this is one of the most important things that you can learn from me in this video guess what what you
like simply doesn’t matter right and I tell my students this all the time all that really should matter to you is
what other people like because other people are the ones reaching in their pocket and spending money right so don’t
get caught up in oh I really like gardening or I really like dog training or I really like to teach this and I
want to sell that doesn’t matter what you need to do is hop them trends you need to be selling what other people are
buying right real simple and that’s what I love about affiliate marketing because you can bounce around and you can start
like when Netflix started we were affiliates of Netflix we were the ones that were sending Netflix some of their
very first customers but we also sent customers to banks we also sent customers to schools like so many
different things that you can do with affiliate marketing and a lot of those are right here in Clickbank all right
back to my computer okay so with Clickbank you can go right up in here and you can look at their marketplace so
there’s a tab up here called the marketplace and when you scroll through this marketplace you’ll see all of these
different sections categories for things that you can promote right and you’ll see there’s
tons of these this is not like a small thing there’s if you want to learn how to speak different languages if you want
to learn more about home and gardening our gardening if you want to learn about health and fitness if you want to learn
about going green like green products self-help products right all kinds of this this stuff is in here travel sports
you know employment and jobs like there’s so many different things that you can find on here all you’ve got to
do is create a free Clickbank account alright I am already logged into mine as you can see but when you go to clickbank
com you can literally just click on create a free account okay and then you can log
in here and look at the products that you can promote I’m just gonna select one of these like languages right okay
so check this out rocket Spanish alright you can see that the average sale here is a hundred and two dollars so what
this means is is that you’re able to go in okay promote this person’s product all right
you do not have to create a sales page you don’t have to create anything you can literally take the link you click
this little button right here that says promote okay so once you have an account you get on here you click this button it
says promote in some cases you’ll want to apply okay to be an affiliate of this particular vendor right so very
important to note that not all vendors just automatically approve you you have to go to their website and actually
apply to be approved now some of them will automatically approve you in this I’m not really sure if there are any on
here we’ll see let’s see okay so this is one of them so we can go in here and you can earn seventy percent commissions for
every single customer you send to this to this vendor all you do is you click generate your link and you get a link
just like this this is your affiliate link ok so super important take a look at that
Clickbank calls it a hop link but it is basically an affiliate link right now once you have that affiliate link you
can place that anywhere and anywhere that you place it okay if someone clicks on it and they go to this particular
product which is this one is synergy Spanish and they buy you’re gonna get seventy percent commissions which means
you get paid you sold somebody else’s product you don’t have to do anything you’re not
doing all the hard work somebody else is but you’re still making the money right I love this model I made six figures a
month with this model back 15 years ago and I still continuously make money with this model every single month affiliate
marketing awesome opportunity okay now once you’ve got your link the question is where can you promote this link
that’s gonna be able to generate some traffic for you but it’s not gonna cost you any money because we all know paid
ads they suck I get it right if you’re not experienced running paid traffic is not a fun thing to do
it’s not an easy thing to do and it’s not a fun thing to do so how can you get traffic without spending money on the
clicks right without paying for ads well check this out so let’s go back to the computer one of the places you can go is
a place called the free ad forum okay so it’s the free ad forum calm you can see it right there on my screen you can
obviously see right here it says publish your ad for free alright so you want to click right up here where you where you
can create an account and you’ll see all of the different things that they have in that where you can place ads so check
this out language classes we can literally take our affiliate link and we can go place
an ad right here okay right here on the free ad forum for this particular product because again we are now
promoting this this spanish-speaking product right so you can click right here on language classes and you can go
in and create ads just like you see right here okay all of these ads alright you can create all of these ads for
yourself completely free first thing obviously you want to do is register for a free account once you do that you’ll
be able to come into here so like this is my account right here because I’ve already got an account and if you go
right here where it says publish your ad for free alright it’s gonna open up the opportunity for you to publish your ad
for free so let’s go back off of off of my computer screen because I am now going to login so let me get logged in
here real quick alright perfect and we’re logging in as we speak so back to the computer screen so check
this out we are now logged in and we can place our ad here on the free ad form
completely free you select your category so obviously we were just looking through this and we found you know
obviously the one on languages now you have to scroll through here under if they let me search you have to scroll
through here and type in I just typed in Elle so you find language classes so you can see right there and then you’re
gonna write like a title and a description for your listing so obviously if we’ve now picked something
like this where it’s talking about Spanish right learning how to speak Spanish alright then what we would want
to do is on our listing we will want to talk all about learning how to speak Spanish right learning how to speak
Spanish and then of course most the times the vendors and the people on here that are helped like that you’re
promoting they’ll give you some copy they’ll give you some things that you can look at like you can see right here
where they have a link for the affiliate page so they’ll give you some information that you can use to post in
your ads right so you don’t have to come up with this stuff on your own now you can go and select all of the information
here about where your ad is being listed from this would just be your location and then you’ll notice that they offer
upgrades right now your ad will stay live on here completely free but it’s live for a shorter amount of time
so you’ll notice right here where it says lets me just pull it up here where when we get to the the when you’re like
a new user alright so for new users you’re able to put your ads on here but what’s gonna end up happening is the ads
will will drop off okay if you want them to stay on longer you can pay for it what I suggest is not
paying for it because you can always relist the ads so these are called upsells’ right here right you can get
this completely free or you can determine that you want to take advantage of these upsells now sometimes
these things do work they help you get more views but at the end of the day this video is all about how you can get
traffic for free so we’re not gonna take any of these upsells we’re gonna leave those alone we’re still gonna post our
ad this is one of the networks where many many many people use this and they post these ads and these eyeballs come
and people that want to learn Spanish are gonna click on your link when they click on your link you can earn a
commission back to my computer screen I’ll show you what that looks like here’s one single commission that I
earned on a product I earned one thousand one hundred sixty nine dollars and forty eight cents on one single sale
of one single product now clearly this is not the Spanish speaking product okay that I made this money on what I’m
showing you is is that with affiliate marketing I literally earned a one thousand one hundred sixty nine dollars
and forty eight cents in a single day I spent no money to make that money right no money so there’s endless
opportunities here for you to be able to go in and create affiliate links for all of these different products and post
them inside of sites just like this one the free ad form now where else can you post them listen think about social
media leverage things like Instagram leverage things like Facebook fan pages groups all of these things and what we
don’t do is we don’t spam the groups obviously there are a lot of people in a lot of groups that are asking for
information they’re asking for help they’re saying hey I’d really like to learn Spanish in a better way or they’re
saying hey I’d really like to learn X Y or Z write the information business it’s a billion dollar industry so all you’ve
got to do is insert yourself into those conversations that’s the one thing that I always teach my students is if you
want to be successful insert yourself into the conversation that your students are that your customers are having so
think about this if you go online and you look at all the places where people are searching and typing and
communicating about how to learn Spanish all you got to do is say hey you know what here’s a program you might want to
check out and you put your affiliate link in your having a two-way communication with that person but it’s
costing you no money you’re not having to run an ad in order to do it obviously this takes a little more legwork but
here’s the thing when you do that you’re able to start generating these commissions from many different programs
right this is one of the simplest and fastest ways to be able to make money on the internet build your own business
without spending any money now if you’d like to go to the next level if you’d like to have a lot of this kind of
done-for-you right we’ve got an awesome opportunity it’s called the partner with Anthony program where you literally
partner with me to do this kind of stuff now is it completely free no is it a few bucks yes but what it
allows you to do is it allows you to skip all of this kind of stuff and tap right into traffic streams and sources
that I’m personally using in my business if you want more information on that there’s a link right below this video
all you got to do is get a copy of my free book again it is completely free it costs you no money there’s no shipping
there’s no handling there’s no silly little fees hidden or anything like that it’s completely free or I’ll talk to you
a little bit more about the funnels that you can use to be able to not only in generate commissions but also build your
email list check this out back to my computer real quick look at this this is one of my pages where I actually build
my email list right you’ll see this page right here when you click the link right below this video so when you see this
you’ll be able to opt-in I’ll have your email address but more importantly what’s gonna happen is I’m gonna show
you how you can partner with me to do this and how you can start building your own email list so that you can start
tapping into that free email traffic to generate mega commissions through different affiliate programs look I love
partnering with people all over the world I love helping people if you like this content if you want to learn more
from me click the subscribe button right now make sure that you join each and every week as I release new videos new
content new training and truly help you walk down the path to having success online because look I’ve been down that
path already I’ve generated well over 100 million dollars online and my goal is really to make it simple for you to
weed through all the nonsense find the stuff that really works like I said when we started this video
if you use this free traffic method that I’m teaching you are you gonna make millions of dollars no but can you make
a few commissions out of that absolutely can you make one or two or three or four of course you can and if you do guess
what that does it gives you confidence it gives you inspiration and guess what it does it gives you the right mindset
to truly be able to have success a lot of times affiliate marketing and building a business online it’s all
about having the right mindset and believing in yourself and knowing that you can do it and that it can be done
that’s the reason I built this video that’s the reason I put this training out there because I want you to realize
there is a way that you can make a few bucks online without spending any but if you’d like to partner
me and get started and get started really really cheap all you got to do click the link that you see below make
sure that you check out our partner with Anthony program and of course get a copy of my free book in the process
Source : Youtub
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